Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Producing NEW LOOK commercial

New Look Skin Care is a budding company in Glendale, California and they acquired Spot On Media for their television advertising. This was their first good decision because Spot On Media has a wealth of talent in the stable and they manage to keep costs down by keeping it all in-house.

For experienced business owners who have ventured into advertising know that most Ad Agencies will farm out their production. Spot On Media's production rates start as low as $1,450. Check out their prices at Pricing Packages.

On Sunday, March 23rd, we shot a 30-second commercial set at a pool party. This required a large cast of great looking actors in swim wear. There was an extensive audition set out for a week to find the most attractive models in bikinis and best-fit men.

The crane swooped over the crowd as a man dove into the clear water. As the shoot progressed, I began to see the commercial unveil on the monitor. It was slowly turning into a stylish and very high-couture piece. The colors were vivid. The subjects gorgeous. The weather perfect.

The client even surprised everyone by bringing in a BBQ to make everyone burgets and hot dogs. The atmosphere of the shoot was fun and truly a dream for any filmmaker.

On occasion, when everything and everyone comes together flawlessly, you remember why you chose to become a filmmaker so many years ago. And this day was one of those days.

The footage exceeded 1:20:32 and will have to be cut down to 30 seconds. The cutting is not the hard part. It's deciding what to keep.

Stay tuned for the NEW LOOK commercial. Look for it on SPOT ON MEDIA TV.

For more information about commercial production, infomercial production, spot on media, los angeles... visit or call 800.507.0159.

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