Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Spot On Media shoots Music Video for Out from Underneath

The creative team at Spot On Media was invited to Seattle, WA to produce this highly anticipated music debut for break-out rock band Out From Underneath
Out From Underneath Manager David DeLay hand-picked the production team from a dozen candidates because of the high-quality film look and flowing images which have become the Production Company's signature.
Amy Taylor of the Cedar Grove Agency was a facilitator in closing the deal and placing Directors
Shervin Youssefian & Danny Simonzad at the helm of the project.
With "Happy" in the can, Spot On Media breaks out of its commercial production mold and is gearing up to reinvent the wheel of music video production. "We want to produce videos that surpass MTV standards at a fraction of the budget" said Youssefian.
Shervin Youssefian on the set of Out of Underneath Music Video Shoot
Shervin Youssefian on the set of Out of Underneath Music Video Shoot
Director/Producer Danny Simonzad on the set of Out of Underneath Music Video Shoot
Director/Producer Danny Simonzad on the set of Out of Underneath Music Video Shoot

Directors Shervin Youssefian and Danny Simonzad on the set of Out of Underneath Music Video Shoot
Directors Shervin Youssefian and Danny Simonzad on the set of Out of Underneath Music Video Shoot

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