Wednesday, July 3, 2013

7 Reasons to have an Online Video

1. In 2013, online Video Marketing hit $1.97 billion. By 2014, it will increase to $5.71 billion. Trends are changing quickly, indicating the rising importance of implementing video in your online presence.
2. In 2010, 30% of online traffic was directed to video sites. By 2013, 90% of internet traffic will consist of video viewership. This means that only 10% of internet traffic will be directed to sites that offer no videos.
3. Internet Retailer reported that consumers who watch product videos are 85% more likely to place an order than those who do not watch.
4. How about emails that include video? Do they result in more sales? Yes! Emails that include a video presentation will incite 2-3 times more sales than those with only text.
5. Human span is 3 minutes when it comes to TV and Film programming. Let's take a look at our attention spans online:
- 33% of viewers will click away within 30 seconds.
- 44% will click away within 60 seconds.
- 60% will click away by 1 minute.
This shows the importance of producing Online Videos that are short and highly entertaining.
6. Have you ever watched videos on your phone? By 2014, 66% of the mobile data traffic will consist of video.
7. Even films get watched more and more online. 100 million Americans watch movies online, that's a 43% increase since 2010!
Clearly, Videos are the way of the online future and any business that understands that is already ahead of the market. Call Spot On Media and find out how easy it is to get an online video produced for your business and more details about Commercial Production!

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