Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spot On Media and the Host Commercial

Over the years, we have found a production formula that works very well for our clients who want an effective Direct Response commercial without spending too much on their first outing into TV advertising: The Host Package.
We started making Host Package Commercials in 2009 when a previously unkown company called Beezid approached us to make their first commercial. Back then, the concept of Penny Auction websites was still very new and hard to explain through conventional means, which is why we opted for an ad that would be graphic heavy. But there was still something missing. How could we build a sense of trust for an online company that claimed to give away HDTVs for $5 or a brand new car for $2000? While the system works,
the company would be a hard-sell. This is why we realized we needed a human presence - a charismatic and trust-worthy hostess who would present the concept of penny auctions as an opportunity that actually works!
Take a look at the original Beezid commercial produced by Spot On Media:
Creating a strong Host Commercial starts with a strong script which will act as a blueprint for the entire production. Then comes one of if not the most important phase which is casting. During this process, we interview and audition a slew of actors and choose the one who would be the best representative for the brand. You can see by watching our work that one of our best qualities is a keen eye for hiring the best talent for your ad.
Once we have our host, we film in our state of the art Green Screen studio in Burbank, CA. This process generally takes only one day, even when the client wants to shoot two different versions of the commercial. For instance, some companies will require a Spanish version of the same commercial. To avoid costs for an additional shoot day, we schedule both actors on the same day.
Here, you can watch two versions of a Host TV Ad we created for 1800-Car Title.
Once we have the footage, we then move to editing and graphics. This is a really fun part of the process because we can get really creative with the titles and graphics - use stock videos and stills. As long as we have our footage of the actor, we can get as creative as we want without having to reshoot anything. That's the beauty of Green Screen.
For more samples of Host Commercials, click WORK > INFOMERCIALS.
PERKS: Free cut-downs to :30 and :15, Free Web and Online versions
TURNAROUND: 2-4 Weeks *Contingent on Client approvals

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