Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spot On Media attends CBA Convention in St. Louis, MO

Shervin Youssefian, writer-director of Crossroad and co-founder of Spot On Media with long-time partner Danny Simonzad attended the annual Christian Retail Show of 2013 with David Dginguerian, executive producer of Crossroad. The event is a 64 year old tradition that has turned into what may be the biggest Christian Convention event of the year.

Youssefian and Dginguerian finally had a chance to meet with Crossroad distributors
including William Schultz of Abridge International who has taken the feature film into
France, Brazil, Australia, the UK and all of Africa. He is currently working on finalizing a deal for Latin America.

Youssefian was a guest at a Seminar on Film Production and Distribution hosted by Visual Story Clyde Taber of Visual Story Network. A Christian based website which equips young filmmakers with tools to create compelling films that communicate a strong message of the gospel.

Amongst the connections made was Karen Kingsbury, a New York Times best selling author who was in attendance to promote her latest book "The Chance." "It would be an amazing feat to turn one of Karen's novels into a feature film. Karen's stories pull at the heart strings and leave a reader inspired. That's what we want to achieve with our films," shared Youssefian.

The convention will continue for the rest of the week.

For more information on Commercial Production, Infomercial Production or Corporate Videos, please contact Spot On Media at 800.507.0159.

Shervin Yousefian, David Dginguerian meet Karen Kingsbury at CBA Convention

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